Thursday, December 2

Ms. Sarah

Sarah McLachlan. Two surprising bits of information (at least to me, a big fan of hers) and then on to the news.

1. She just released another live album called "Afterglow Live." Her first full live album, "Mirrorball," was constantly in my CD player the summer I rode my bike across the country. People joked with me that I was turning into a chick, but the truth was, everyone listened to that album non-stop. It was the first time I had heard of Ms. McLachlan.

2. "Afterglow" quietly sold 2.3 million copies in the U.S., which means that Americans "quietly" have pretty good taste in music. (I don't think Ms. Federline even sold that many of her last "album.") This number just seems huge to me!

Anyways, Sarah is going to go back on the road this spring. That's the news!

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