Thursday, December 2

As if anyone cares...

The season finale of Manhunt was Tuesday night. It was a very suspenseful episode, not necessarily because anyone cared who won, but more because it was fun to guess when the producers would blur out the naked photo shoots and when they wouldn't. Blurred one second and then, oh, there's a complete naked butt! This section would make a wonderful drinking game somehow. Jon Johnson was too nervous to pose naked because he felt "deceived" learning that Kevin P was an imbedded male model. He was worried that the pictures may show up on the internets, but he should have been more worried about his entire nakedness was unblurred on national television. In the end, his confident male-model-ness came through and he posed naked.

At this point, I fell asleep (it really is a good sedative, this show. I'll miss it.) but woke up just in time to see Jon Johnson win the competition over Rob. His finals words were something like, "I just want to prove myself and make people know that I'm no dumb model." Point proven. And I'm glad this show is over because I was curiously and annoyingly totally sucked into it.

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