Thursday, December 9

All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

So this week's eppy of Lost finds them trying to hunt down Charlie and Claire. Locke, Boone, Jack and Kate are all involved in tracking the abducted. They find Charlie's finger tape, as if he was leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. Conjecture amongst the group whether it was done by Charlie or done as a way of throwing them off track. They decide to split up. Locke and Boone leave a trail of red shirts with Boone referencing Star Trek episodes and the meaning of red shirts. What could it mean????

Kate & Jack have a moment when Jack wants her to tell him something real. She tells him something real even though in an earlier episode he tells her that the past doesn't matter. Make up your mind Jack! Geesh! So then Jack supposedly hears a scream. Kate doesn't. Does this mean Jack is hallucinating again? What could it mean? So basically Jack falls and Ethan springs from nowhere to beat the living crap out of Jack and threatens to kill Charlie. Where's Kate? Is Jack still hallucinating? Has he been getting into the stash of drugs? And why are we being subjected to more Jack flashbacks when we got nothing on Walt, Vincent, Boone, Shannon or Hurley? I'm getting impatient here folks!

Jack & Kate continue on their journey to locate the abducted. They are shocked to find Charlie hanging from a tree. Miraculously Kate manages to cut him down and Jack performs another miracle by bringing Charlie back to life (cuz back in his doctor practicing days he let a pregnant woman die, so he couldn't possibly let Charlie die). Now, how the heck did Charlie get strung up there? Ethan couldn't have possibly done it himself. So does that mean the "others" did it? Are the creatures on the island able to walk/fly through the tree tops. What could it all mean?

Back at the beach, Hurley and Walt are playing backgammon. There's that pesky black and white theme again. Whenever Walt tosses the dice, he gets the exact combination he needs. What could it mean? Is Hurley who he really portrays himself to be? Do we know for a fact he was on that plane? What if he is just saying Ethan wasn't on the manifest??? Is Walt a serial killer in disguise? I mean, he did say something about his stepdad being dead. And, what about Vincent? Where has he been? And that brings me to another question..... where the heck is Rose??? Did she sit on the beach so long she actually sank into the ocean? Too many damn questions and not enough answers I say!!

So, at the end Boone and Locke accidently discover a metal box of some sort. Coffin? Prison? Hidden lair? Room? What could it be? What could it mean? One thing's for sure, next week they are re-playing the first two episodes. That should give us all time to reflect, analyze and pick apart the show and perhaps shed light on how these characters are connected or why they are on this island.

1 comment:

D said...

Daddy Issues = Telling on your surgeon dad for operating drunk and having your dad hate you for it

Loved your post. You have about as many questions as I do!!