Wednesday, February 23

My Idol Thoughts - The Chicks

Aloha Mischeaux. Yes, odd dance moves. And I think that choppy song hid the fact that she can't sing good.

Amanda Avila. Gorgeous. Looks wise, not singing wise.

Carrie Underwood. This girl can blow, dude! She's a contender.

Celena Rae. Worst. Song. Ever. But I think she can sing. A little dramatic, though. Like one of those kids in high school who's totally into Hello, Dolly!

Janay Castine. She reminds me of an old, crazy black woman singing at church. But she's adorable. Just needs a better song. And it was kind of bizarre how she was always looking into the camera but her head never moved.

Jessica Sierra. A chubby Madonna, and I mean that in a good way. Pick a song not by Phil Collins and I bet she's awesome.

Lindsay Cardinale. I think she may have a good voice. Simon says she's not boring. I beg to differ.

Melinda Lira. Overrated.

Mikalah Gordon. Have you seen that mugshot of Yasmine Bleeth? It's Mikalah Gordon! God, what an annoying woman. It's like Courtney Love meets Fran Drescher meets Sharon Stone meets a drag queen.

Nadia Turner. Wow, this girl will make it to the end. I'm not sure about her range, but I just love black woman rockers. Seriously. Even though there are like... none. So she fills a niche.

Sarah Mather. Not. Talented.

Vonzell Solomon. She didn't do anything for me... except forward through her performance.

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