Tuesday, February 22

Idol Chicks

I am now a complete geek. I am taking notes. Gah!!

Vonzel-judges liked her. I didn't
Amanda-mixed reviews, not great
Janay-bad song. the girl has spunk. I think she'll improve
Carrie-great reviews. i liked her a bunch. plus she's cute. that never hurts
Sarah-nasty song but did okay. she'll advance since she's got the cute factor
Nadia-Can you say, Baaaaa??? Her hair needs a bit of pruning! She does a lot of postuering out there and has a 'tude but she'll go far
Celena-seems too old. maybe she'll improve. quite beautiful
Mikalah-i used to like her. now she seems very cartoony and immature
Lindsay-not pretentious and was quite awesome
Jessica-boring song, great voice, cute.
Aloha-confident but had the oddest body movements. great voice. lose the flower.

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