Thursday, June 30

Me Tired

This month has been insane.

At work, I have been working loooong hours preparing our annual magazine recommendation to our major client. The culmination was Tuesday, when I got to (for the first time) present to the client. It went well, and I'm proud of myself. But soooo relieved to be finished with this project.

As if that wasn't stressful enough, I moved to a new place last weekend. It's in Venice Beach, near Abbot Kinney Blvd. Sweet location, awesome house. But moving is a bitch. My roommate and I spent 16 hours (9am - 1am) on Saturday (and technically Sunday) loading and unloading shit into the new house. We didn't even unpack. I have been trying to do that in my "off time" this week. So my life has been like working two jobs. Today I get to go clean my old apartment, get rid of furniture and a fucking fish tank (no one wants to buy a 40 gallon fish tank, apparantly - and I don't blame them).

Anyways, my life seems to be returning to normal.

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