Monday, January 16

CBS Tries to make you watch commercials

But CBS, you forgot that NBC tried this once and it didn't work out very well.
CBS is prepping for the launch of a new series -- a series you may not have heard anything about, and if you're not really careful, you could miss it altogether. The Courier is called a microseries - that is the episodes are less than a minute long and will air nightly during the 9pm commercial break, beginning January 24, according to the Wall Street Journal. The Courier is about a man desperately trying to rescue his
kidnapped wife by trying to figure out various clues while working against the clock. The show will be sponsored by GM's Pontiac Torrent SUV, which will also be prominently featured in the spots. Additionally, CBS will show the episodes on its website, and will make it available to your mobile. The goal of this series is obvious -
getting viewers to sit through the commercial break, with the added incentive of returning nightly.

[Source: Cynthia's Cynopsis]

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