Tuesday, February 7

What about the steamy shower scene?

Oh yeah, that had nothing to do with the plot. It was more of a ploy. Here's what Television Without Pity had to say about Sunday's Grey's Anatony:

It all starts when Mere has a feeling. She should really stop having those, because what comes next is pretty awful. A very dumb man -- accompanied by his hysterically screaming wife -- comes in with a sucking chest wound, caused by his friend's World War II replica bazooka. A rookie paramedic, played by Christina Ricci, has stuck her hand inside the guy's chest to slow the bleeding. Unfortunately for her, the ammunition is also still inside his chest and could go off at any second, especially if she moves her hand. Burke calls a Code Black, which we all now know means "bomb threat." The bomb squad comes in to assess the situation and try to evacuate the rest of the hospital. Meanwhile, Bailey arrives to lay a little smack down on her interns, and promptly goes into labor. Unbeknownst to the poor unmedicated thing, her husband crashes his car on his way to the hospital and has to have McDreamy operate on his brain. Also, Izzie decides she needs to have sex with Alex immediately, just in case they blow up. Back in sucking-bomb-chest-wound land, the anesthesiologist helping Christina Ricci keep the patient alive decides he's had enough and hauls ass, leaving Ricci alone to pump the ambu bag her own damn self. She begins to wig, and before Mere and Cristina can say "BOOM!" she removes her hand and runs away. No one blows up, but silly Meredith has instinctively put her hand where Christina Ricci's used to be, and there it shall stay…until next week. I think they call that a cliffhanger!

By the way, the episode recieved an "A" grade from TWP's readers.

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