Tuesday, February 14

Opening Ceremonies

They were good, actually. I liked Pavrotti. The parade of nations wasn't as painful as some years, but I couldn't help but feeling I was being propoganda-ized. Iran, all they talked about was nuclear weapons. Israel, all they talked about was the film Munich. The U.S., they played Aretha Franklin's "Freedom" while they walked out. It all was a little too much for me. Plus, I couldn't quite understand what Susan Sarandon was doing carrying the Olympic flag in. But the torch was cool. Very simple (but still extravegant). Nice touch.


I have no idea what it is, but I can't get enough figure skating. There was a woman that looked like a very ill Paris Hilton, and then two pairs later, the woman looked like normal Paris Hilton. These skaters are so tragic!

And I can't listen to Scott Hamilton any longer. Or Red Buttons, or whatever his name is.

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