Tuesday, November 14

Shut Up & Sing

I've always sort of liked the Dixie Chicks, and then they made their politics clear and I liked them even more. With the release of their last album, Taking the Long Way, you can call me a fan. I went to see their new documentary, Shut Up & Sing, and I think I'm in love. They are three extremely talented, funny and outspoken gals. The behind-the-scenes and at-home stuff was great; it really made them look.... regular. And it made it even more pathetic how people turned against them and treated them as traitors. It says a lot about the limits of freedom in this country.

My favorite part was the t-shirt Natalie made and wore after Toby Keith made disparaging comments to them. "F.U.T.K." Soon after she started wearing it, protesters showed up at their concerts with "F.U.D.C." t-shirts. Natalie was asked by the media what she thought of those shirts. Her answer was classic. "I think it's fine if they wear those shirts, but I just want to know why they have a problem with Dick Cheney."

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love the Chicks. I loved them even more after Natalie's comments about Bush. What kills me is the same people who passed judgement on them seem to think it's okay when guys like Jay Leno disparage the president.

I just don't get it. I never will.