Thursday, November 30

Little Children

Little Children is one heck of a finely crafted movie about a love affair. Great movie. Not an instant classic as I was hoping, but certainly one of the better movies of the year. Kate Winslet is phenomenal. She's gotta be the best working actress, right? Patrick Wilson was also great. Why isn't he in more? The acting, writing and directing were all stellar. The story was unexpectedly touching (I so wanted them to end up together!!), and much more disturbing than its kind of creepy trailer even lets on (but knew they wouldn't within about 3 minutes of the movie). There's a plot that drives the overall story that isn't even mentioned in the trailer, and it's one that will give you the willies.

Oh yeah, I wanted to mention how much I loved the voiceover work. Most movies with voiceovers suck. This one was written like Shakespeare, but also happened to be very modern. At one point, it compares the feeling of isolation/confusion to waking up after being abducted by aliens, but not in a weird Donnie Darko kind of way... more along the lines of American Beauty or something.

Check this out, if not in the theaters then on DVD. And don't let your little children watch.

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