Tuesday, November 7

Please Vote!

If you do nothing else today, please take the time to exercise your right to vote. You may think it means nothing, but your vote does count.

I stopped in my little rural precinct this morning, expecting the usual scattering of poll workers and a couple of fellow voters. Much to my surprise there were at least 10 poll workers (normally 4 or 5) and probably 20 voters!! I think I waited about 30 minutes to get on a machine. Normally I walk in, sign my name and saunter over to the booth. Not today, folks. When I left there were easily 50 or more voters waiting in line behind me.

Today it was obvious that people are fed up with the current regime; fed up with the crap and the lies and empty promises.

Today, I sense a change. I pray it will be a good one and that the Democrats fulfill their promises and do the right thing once in office.

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