Tuesday, October 26

Best in (Drag) Show

Sunday night, after a long, drunken weekend in Ohio, I returned to L.A. just in time for the Best In Drag Show, which benefits the Aid for AIDS Charity. After a hilarious, mostly anti-Bush tirade by Kathy Griffith, the show began. It was at times touching (the host, who lost his partner to AIDS), graciously thanked people as they walked $1000, $2000, $5000 checks up to the stage, and riotous.

The 7 drag queens (including LaHonda Civic from Detroit, Eden Disorda from California, Breedam Young from Utah) competed in a swimsuit competition, a talent show, and an evening gown/question-and-answer session. The entire audience was laughing, and I recommend everyone in L.A. spend $100 to go to this next year.

The celebrity judges included the entire O.C. cast, Marcia Cross from Desperate Housewives and John C. Reilly.

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