Wednesday, December 13

Children of Men

Okay, I'm dying to see this movie. Julianne Moore is the hotness, and it's good to get excited about one of her movies again.

"There are two ways of defending Children of Men as the best film of 2006. The first one is "passionately" and it goes like this:
Alfonso Cuarón's new work is a technical and narrative masterpiece. One thing I teach on my Film Criticism class is that we should never take seriously a critic who often writes sentences such as "one of the most I-don't-know-what of movie history!" or "the most blah-blah-blah of the last decade." There are just too many movies for us to make such bold statements. In my 12 year career, I only did that once, when I argued that The Return of the King had the biggest battle scene ever. However, three years later, I'm going to risk my reputation again by saying that Children of Men has not one or two, but three of the most spectacular shots ever conceived by a filmmaker. And the best thing is the film is more than technically marvelous; it tells a touching story full of significance. I fell deeply in love with this movie.

"Ok. That was the passionate speech. Fortunately, Children of Men is rich enough that it allows its fans to defend it from a more rational, cold and detached point of view as well. And if I'm going to succeed on making a case for why it's the best of 2006, that's how we should proceed."

[Source: Movie City News]

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