Wednesday, July 5

Code Blue

My DirecTV receiver/DVR has gone kerfluey. It started with that crazy pixelation which then led to stuff not getting Tivo'd and now, after my 14 year old daughters best attempts at resuscitation, it appears to have died.

Let's have a moment of silence, shall we?

Okay then. First order of business when I get home tonight. Demanding a new receiver – stat!!!


D said...

I have three recievers that I'm not using, if DirecTV won't help you out.

MegaZone said...

Make sure you get the TiVo-based R10, or they'll stick you with the NDS-based R15 which is their 'in-house' DVR that they're pushing now.

Jen said...

Actually, we now suspect there is a problem with the cables. We can pay them mega-bucks to come and inspect or else we can do it ourselves and see if there is a damaged cable or loose connection. Hubby will spend time tomorrow inspecting. Hopefully it's something stupid and simple.

I actually stumped the DirecTV guy. How cool is that!

And what exactly is an R10 vs. a R15?