Friday, May 12


I have a wireless account with them. I just called. Here, basically, was our conversation:

Verizon: Hello, how may I help you today?
Me: I was wondering if you handed over my phone records to George Bush.
Verizon: You are not the first person to ask about this. No, we haven't. It would be a violation of FCC rules if we did.
Me: So why am I reading that you did?
Verizon: Verizon Wireless did not. Verizon (landlines) is a whole different story.
Me: Thanks!
Verizon: No problem. Thank you for being the most important part of Verizon Wireless.
Me: Huh?
Verizon: Basically, we love our customers.
Me: Oh, that's just a weird way to say it.

That was my conversation. In a nutshell. I feel much better now that I did that.

1 comment:

oldblogger said...

Damn, I was considering trying to get out of my contract with them. Guess I'll have to think of a different angle :-)