Monday, March 6


They blew it. I just don't think Crash is a great movie. Yeah, it was good. But come on! Watching this movie was like being thrown in a room with a white guy, a black guy, a Latino, a Middle Eastern man and a fucking racist cop and each one of them gets the weapon of their choice and they yell about how racist the others are at the top of their lungs and it's amplified to concert level decibals and it goes on and on until your ears start to bleed. I'm not even kidding, I just thought it was SO obvious.

They had the opportunity to award a film that was truly groundbreaking (Brokeback Mountain) and subtle and true art. Or they could've awarded Munich, which will be revered as a classic in ten or fifteen years, or they could've given it to Capote or Good Night & Good Luck (which I haven't seen yet... still).

They just blew it. Dumb Oscar voters.

The awards show itself was actually entertaining and under 9 hours long. Jon Stewart wasn't "hilarious," but he was very sharp. His best joke involved Cheney shooting Bjork. Some other thoughts:

-What the fuck was Charlize wearing? Was whoever sat behind her pissed that their view was seriously obstructed?

-Nicole Kidman should just paint herself white and call it a day.

-Why is Ryan Secrest everywhere?

-Dolly Parton was robbed. Rachel McAdams will totally play Dolly in the biopic.

-Jennifer Garner is so damn cute. She pulled off an embarassing trip-up with grace and humor.

-Meryl Streep and Lili Tomlin were silly and fabulous introducing a very deserving Robert Altman.

-George Clooney had a fantastic acceptance speech. This man is smart.

That's all until 2007.

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