Friday, September 2

Random Thoughts

On Condi Rice:
"By Thursday evening, Ms. Rice had cut short her vacation and returned to Washington, where she headed to a staff meeting to discuss ways of coordinating offers of foreign assistance from more than 30 countries and organizations."

---about damn time!

On Bush:
President Bush told reporters on Friday that millions of tons of food and water are on the way to the people stranded in the wake of Hurricane Katrina -- but he said the results of the relief effort "are not acceptable."

--gee, ya think?

On Cheney:
Uh... where is the VP? Is he on vacation or is he sick or something?

On Nancy Grace:
I have a love/hate with this woman, but last night she was talking the head of FEMA and he kept saying that help was "on the way" and they were "going" to be doing blah, blah, blah. Nancy Grace, bless her little heart, stopped the convo right there and put him on the spot by saying, "What, are you guys waiting for an engraved invitation" here before you're going to send help to these people? Good for her! Pretty bad when the MSM is getting openly annoyed with the politicos.

On Anderson Cooper:
I'm feeling the love! You go, Anderson!!!!!!!!!!

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