Tuesday, March 20

LOST 3.13

Here's some goodies to get you all a-twitter about Wednesdays episode. I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!

Episode 3.13: The Man From Tallahassee (Locke-centric)
Airdate: March 21, 2007

Michael Emerson reveals: "There’s some role reversal that takes place there. Someone that’s used to being in power is dis-empowered and someone sort of takes charge in an interesting way in that episode." Ben tries to talk Locke out of his destructive plan by offering him some island secrets. Meanwhile, Kate's reunion with Jack does not go off as planned when she discovers he has made a deal with the Others.

And in general spoiler news..... [Lost] is for sure coming back, and get this: my ABC sources tell me it will probably come back 24-style, beginning in January and going straight through with 22 episodes. At least, that's the most likely scenario ABC is considering. [I'm hearing that Charlie will die.]

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