Thursday, November 3

In The Name Of God....

Shove It Up Your Ass!

Ah yes.... another delightful episode of Trading Spouses. Frankly, I'm not even sure where to start with my comments because there are so many. For those who missed this episode, you have definitely lost out on some classic television moments.

Let's start at the beginning. Marguerite, the obsese holy-roller Christian freak trades places with Jeanne, the new age hypnotherapist. From the previews, we already know Maguerite is insane. She goes on to prove it in the show.

Because Jeanne's house is not Christian, Marguerite actually believes she is physically getting ill because the house "lacks God". She will not participate in a solstice party because she thinks it's anti-christian. Meanwhile in Louisiana, Jeanne is getting grilled by Marguerite's holier-than-thou Christian friends, who feel superior to her due to their beliefs.

Later, Marguerite joins Jeanne's husband Chris on his radio show. Big mistake. Jeanne begins to espouse on all the benefits of Christianity when various people call into the show. It gets even more interesting when *gasp* a psychic shows up to the radio program. Marguerite learns the guy is a psychic and goes psycho on not only Chris, but the poor psychic guy AND the radio listeners! After emerging from the bathroom, she tells (to anyone within hearing range) that she is not going to put up with this and "In the name of God, you can all shove it up your ass!".

Ah yes.... a beautiful and touching tv moment.

Next week we'll get to see Marguerite speaking in tongues while performing an exorcism at her home. A definite must-see. Get those Tivo's prepped!

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