Monday, August 15

A Wonderful Set-Up

There were some places Six Feet Under went last night that kind of freaked me out. I figured something would happen between Brenda and Billy. Thank God it was in her head and not in reality. Maggie still isn't pregnant (I hope this stays the case), and I'm glad she's booking town. Claire was devastating. David was, too. So needy. And Rico - I know he's looking out for his family, but come on,

Highlights - it was hard to say goodbye to Clair's car.

Brenda going into birth this episode was a shock. Ruth put down all of her anger and helped her out, and that was wonderful... and led to the most beautiful cliffhanger this show has ever seen. (Perfect music: The Arcade Fire)

All of this is leading into, what I expect to be, a very emotional last episode. No tears this episode. I guess I needed a week off.

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