Monday, September 11

ThinkProgress Update

I received this email today. If you went to their website and signed the petition, chances are you received the email as well. Thanks to those who helped. I really think it made a difference!

As a former Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, I am struck by how far we have come since September 11, 2001 – and by how far we must still go to meet the threats we face.

Today is a day to remember those who have died and those who have risked their lives. It is also a day for reflection about the events that led up to the attacks and sober examination of the steps our government has taken since the attacks. An honest exploration of our policies, past and present, will best protect America in the future.

In the last week, we asked for your help to pressure ABC to fix their inaccurate, partisan mini-series called "The Path to 9/11." ABC aired the first of two parts last night.

Our team reviewed the first half of the program as it aired, and your efforts led to several problematic elements being fixed:

  • In its advertising to promote the film, ABC stopped making the claim that the film was "based on the 9/11 Commission Report."

  • An extended disclaimer ran both before and after the film explaining that the movie contains "fictionalized scenes."

  • A key fabricated scene falsely depicting Clinton National Security Adviser Samuel Berger that had been included in earlier copies of the movie was substantially cut back.

The buzz your efforts created in the press also led to significant victories:

  • ABC's educational distribution partner, Scholastic, significantly revised materials they planned to send to 100,000 high school teachers, incorporating the controversy as part of their teaching tools.

  • ABC's Internet distribution partner, Apple, has apparently abandoned plans to make the movie available for free on iTunes.

More broadly, our efforts to fight for the truth will permanently be linked to this ABC project. Hundreds of newspapers and television reports described the inaccuracies that were part of the initial version of the movie.

Thanks to all of you who helped make this possible. Together with historians, experts, former government officials, 9/11 Commissioners and staff, the voices of hundreds of thousands of Americans helped stop some of the most egregious problems with "The Path to 9/11." Had it not been for our efforts, a far worse movie would have aired and the news media would not have provided an appropriate review of the film.

Of course, one serious problem remains: ABC's decision to present a fictionalized, partisan view of history that is inconsistent with the findings of the 9/11 Commission. By misleading the nation about the real path to 9/11 and our subsequent national security failures, ABC has abused the public's trust and done a disservice to its viewers.

In the days and weeks ahead, the Center for American Progress Action Fund pledges to continue our honest analysis and exploration of the policies that will best protect America in the future. To help in that effort, we ask one more thing of you: Take a moment to review the real 9/11 Commission Report – and ask your friends and family to take a look at it too. You can read it online

Understanding the real path to 9/11 is critical to protecting our country against the dangers that lie ahead.

Thank you,
Peter Rundlet
Vice President for National Security and International Policy, Center for American Progress Action Fund

For the latest on the ABC movie and other developments, visit our

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