Sunday, September 24

The 50s

I just had brunch with a girl. She told me how much she thinks it'd be better if everything was like it was in the 1950s. Right.

She said she thinks women working has deteriorated the family structure. So I asked her, a single 27 year old high school math teacher, the following question:

Would you rather have been a housewife for the last 6 years, baking, doing laundry, driving your kids around, etc?

She said, "good point." So maybe she hadn't thought that much about what she thinks. Maybe I helped her realize that, perhaps the men and the children were happy in the 50s, but maybe the women weren't.

I think Bush wants it to be like the 50s too. When old, white men had all the power and women, gays, blacks and any other minority was basically a piece of shit. Yeah, that would be fun!


Jen said...

Yeah, but nowdays, we working women get to work 40+ hours a week AND do the laundry, chauffeuring of children, dishes, cooking, ad nauseum.......

D said...

Maybe I'm wrong about the working part. But I bet it's nice for everyone to have the same rights as white men. Or closer than before.